Mask Browser

Empower your mobile browsing experience with extension support and GPT AI chat, all in one browser.

Added by Kangaroo 4 months ago

About the product

Mask Browser supports Google Edge extensions with a free AI chat assistant, delivering a desktop-class browsing experience right on your mobile device.

Main Features ?Personal AI companion: Free access to GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 AI chatbot and also ERINE Bot, Qianfan, and ChatGLM2. ?Extensive extensions support: Easy one stop to get all Chrome extensions and Edge extensions. ?One-click translation tool: Integrated webpage translation tool supporting 84 languages. ⛏Private and secure browsing: Incognito mode, safe browsing options, secure connections, adblocker, malicious websites warnings and more. ?Various customization options: Customized address bar, homeapge, serch engines, dark or light theme-all at your will. ?Efficient video player: Control the video play speed and ratio at fingertips.



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