Tag My Knowledge - Personal Knowledge Management made simple.

Quickly store and categorize bits of knowledge you find in books, videos or podcasts and convert them into habits that change your life.

Added by Philipp Bauer 3 years ago

About the product

General purpose note taking apps (Google Keep, Evernote, OneNote, etc.) are bad for managing knowledge. Whenever you have a problem, you have to remember that a) you have stored something and b) you need to know what you have to search for. Tag My Knowledge has a different concept: Instead of linearly showing your knowledge, you get a feed that changes daily. Instead of a knowledge hierarchy (notebook -> note, folders etc.), you have a few main categories and manage the rest via tags. This flat structure speeds everything up and more closely resembles how the brain works. Try it out for free and let me know what you think of it :)


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I need something like this keeping just the good bits from audio books that I consume. Will dive into this for sure.

Primer commented 3 years ago
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Broaria replied 1 year ago

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Cool! If you have any ideas or suggestions, using the in-app feedback is probably the quickest way :)

Philipp Bauer commented 3 years ago
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Primer replied 3 years ago

Will do!