
Perfect AI article writer for bloggers and content creators.

Added by Alex Bryce 11 months ago

About the product

HIX ArticleGPT is the perfect AI article writer for bloggers and content creators. This AI article writer can create factually accurate, SEO-friendly articles quickly and easily.

Key Features

One-Click Mode

Streamline the article writing process with One-Click Mode. Describe your topics, add keywords, and watch as your article is generated with a click of a button.

High-Quality Mode

Elevate your content with High-Quality Mode. Incorporate references, create a title, develop an outline, and allow ArticleGPT to craft a high-quality, customized article that aligns with your specific content needs.

Built-In Grammar & Plagiarism Checker

ArticleGPT quickly and accurately identifies and resolves grammar mistakes and instances of plagiarism. Our convenient built-in grammar and plagiarism checker helps generate original, grammatically correct articles that appear professionally written.

Export & Share

Save time with our convenient export and share options found all in one place. Save your generated article directly to your device or share by link or on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

A Versatile AI Article Writing Tool for All

Bloggers SEO Professionals Content Marketers Journalists Amazon Affiliates Business Owners




Dev Tools

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