
App for remote workers who want to gamify routine for extra motivation

Added by Aleksandr 2 years ago

About the product

Stokey is an app for remote workers who looking to gamify a workflow and chores for extra motivation and team building.Our product is aiming at improving connectivity in the remote environment. We use gamification methods to turn the workflow into a game. Gamification makes performance tracking more transparent as the hero’s level is a direct reflection of employees’ performance.




Mobile App


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I liked this mobile app! interesting idea and nice design! And they give loot boxes for completing tasks ?

Leonid Lomakin commented 2 years ago
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It’s a great task manager with a narrative. You make your hero stronger by ticking out your regular work or things to do. Helps to handle effectively the most boring and routine tasks and chores.

Vlada commented 2 years ago
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