
Discover Green Jobs and Environmental Careers in the US

Added by aidirectories 2 months ago

About the product

Ecocareers is a U.S. job site connecting people with roles focused on sustainability and positive impact. Guided by UNESCO’s goals, we promote eco-friendly careers that support safe work environments, inclusive growth, and skill development for a greener future.

Guided by the principles outlined in the UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals, our mission is to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth by connecting businesses and organizations with qualified candidates who are committed to driving positive change in the world.

Furthermore, we are dedicated to building resilient infrastructure and fostering innovation within the industries we serve. By promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, we aim to create a more equitable and environmentally responsible future.

We Provide:

  • Opportunities for Full and Productive Employment

We work to ensure that all individuals, including women, young people, and persons with disabilities, have access to decent work.

  • Technological Innovation and Diversification

We advertise job vacancies in sectors that prioritize technological innovation, enhancing economic productivity.

  • Sustainable Practices

We choose to promote job opportunities in sectors and companies that prioritize sustainable consumption and production.

  • Skill Development Programs and Internships

We aim to reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education, or training worldwide.

  • Job Postings that Adhere to Labor Rights and Promote Safe Working Environments

We ensure that job postings adhere to labor rights standards and promote safe working conditions, particularly for migrant workers and those in precarious employment.



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