A One-stop AI Note app for professionals with ADHD

Added by Austin 1 month ago

About the product

Most busy professionals with ADHD struggle to organize, find, and synthesize knowledge with traditional note apps. offers a simple-to-use, semi-autonomous note app with AI tailored to your knowledge, so you can work faster, discover better insights, and stay stress-free. Hereโ€™s what it offers:

  • Quickly capture notes and clips via the side panel without switching around.
  • Get tag suggestions for your notes
  • Ability to find back information based on what you remember.
  • A personal AI provides relevant suggestions for what you are working on.
  • Ability to use multiple AI bots (GPT4, Claude3, Gemini Pro, search Internet), alongside your notes, helps you brainstorm and write on a single screen.
  • Write tasks directly in your notes and receive reminders until they are completed.



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Nice app!

Austin commented 1 month ago
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